Near and Never Alone: Finding Comfort

These days, its very rare that I have any alone time. I eat, sleep, breathe, and well, just about do everything with tiny humans around. When I shower, I have to strategically set up a safe space for my infant in my master bathroom. Since she is not yet mobile, I place her in her…


I have to admit, I'm a person who becomes easily offended. When people say things, I tend to replay their words over and over again in my mind. I pondered this for a long time- wondering why this has come to be. I found the culprit to be in our culture. Someone seems to always…


One of society's toughest problems is that everything is made a competition. The delusion of perfection that we must be the most fit, to have the biggest house, to have the cookie-cutter family, or to buy into the latest trend. This isn't a new concept. It's not a new struggle. Generation after generation, people deal with these…